Friday 19 January 2007

Well how much fun was last night?

I was invited to join a table at mo*vida but because a lot of the gang were stuck in london he changed it to boujis for us as the nite gets going at lot earlier and the gallery gets boring afta while(That's the club in south kensington you always see prince william and harry falling out of) and it was actually a really good club, a lot smaller than I imagined a few ladies who thought they were the bee's knees but there was enough of us to dominate a section of the dance floor and keep in real!

Ed - thank you the girls and I really enjoyed ourselves and as ed always says:

First rule of ed club: a lady never lights her own cigerette...

Second rule of ed club: a lady never buys her own drink...



My song was a hit and is going to be played at several different gigs this week. I'm so pleased! Also my mate stacey has a flatmate (who i went on holiday with last year and we go out once a month or so) and she works for a PR company and has worked for some top names - AND SHES OFFERED TO DO MY PR!!!!! looks like i'm on my way!

1 comment:

Sally said...

OK - not jealous at all.... stuck over here in America on my tod!!!

Nah, well done all sounds good xx