Tuesday 13 February 2007

Hi just a quick update:

My grandads conditions has improved but they are currently carrying out tests as they think he has cancer. Thanks for everyones kind words its much appreciated. I'm flying out saturday to be with my nan.

On a more cheerful note - I got my first pole dancing injury last night! A friction burn! *LOL* we were learning to climb the pole this week coz the further up you go, the more spins you can do on the way down! I'm still loving it all I do is that class a week and both my friend and I have noticed the difference - my arms especially. I love the names as well - there's the "wonder woman" which I can't get and is bugging me, the "reach for the stars". And my fav (not) the hang tough we have such a giggle I'm def going to do the intermediate and advance courses after this one and I might even do the beginnera again just for the work out!

Song writing is going slow..I just don't seem to be able to concentrate at the moment I guess its probably my grandad worrying me, I had my first panic attack fri on the train going to work I dunoo what brought it on but I really thought I was having a heart attack! Got to work (well I didnt know what to do) and thought bugger I'm the first aider - now what do I do?! *LOL* luckily another one was on hand!

Busy week this week I've got an invite to an afterparty for the brits tomorrow night (not sure whether I will go on that one - feeling decidedly non-size 0 and dread the thought of seeing gorgeous stick thin star will make me feel sick - besides with it beibg valentines maybe I should leave myself available for all the thousands od admirers I have in case one wants to take me for dinner or something! To party or not to party? - that's the question! ....maybe I will wait til I get nominated! *LOL*

The thursday one of the secretaries is leaving so I think we may have to party..and friday one of the girls fellas has hired out the lonsdale for his bday so I think...partay!! *LOL* (still haven't done my uni paper!)

What else is going on?....jobs alright, they've sat me next to the boss hmmm that's the end of my surfing the net! Get our bonuses paid thursday so can book the safari and ski-ing and get the bathroom done.. But that's about it!

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